Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Skyrim Possible Characters

Skyrim Possible Characters

In a recent article posted on, (, Kotaku shows the possibilities of characters you can pick in Skyrim.  Below I will show you some of my favorites.
This an Argonian women.  Argonians are a scalely lizard-like creature from the Black Swamps below Tamriel.  Don't know what i'm talking about?  Good, I am very knowledgeable in the arts of the Elder Scrolls having put over 400 hours of gameplay into Morrowind, Oblivion, and Skyrim.  Argonians have the ability to breathe underwater and resist diseases.  These attributes are good if you like facing diseased creatures such as skeevers (rats) and vampires.
This a Kajit.  Kajits are a crossbread between Imperials and cats.  Gross.  Beastiality is aparantly not a crime in Cyrodill.  Kajits are very good in the game, because they have a wide varity of attributes they can perform well in, but don't succeed in being better in anything special.
This is a Redguard male.  Redguards are the black people of Skyrim.  They originate from the continent of Yokunda, but traveled to Cyrodil, because of an unknown disaster of their homeland.  Redguards are have great strength and stamina allowing themselves to carry more items and move faster.  They are expecially great when you have to carry all those Dragonbones around.  These are just 3 of the possible 16 selections you can make in Skyrim.

The Difference In Graphics In Skyrim

The Difference In Graphics In Skyrim
In a recent article posted on, (, a Kotaku blogger takes the Skyrim graphics to the limit.  In a side-by-side comparison of the graphics, they all look very similar.  But, if you look very carefully, the graphics are actually very different and more defined as they go along.  The graphics (from left to right) go from the lowest to the highest possible graphics.  The highest graphics are the most defined graphics any video game has ever seen.  Even the lowest quality is very amazing and you see very little differences.  It is really the little things that makes Skyrim so amazing.  Whether its picking up some Juniper berries on the way to Helgen, or seeing the glare in a dragons eyes as you are taking it down, Skyrim has undoubtable amazing graphics.

How to Play As Link In Skyrim

How to Play As Link In Skyrim

In a recent article posted on, (, a new Skyrim mod allows you to play as Link from the "Zelda" series.  Traits include Link's sword, outfit, and shield.  Even though you are still in Skyrim, you can feel like you are a Link hero.  Downloading the mod is only available on computer versions, or hacked Xbox 360s and PS3.  Along with having the looks of Link, you also have some abilities.  You get Link's patented slash and a bow like bangarang.  I don't think I will get the mod, not only because I wasn't the biggest fan of Zelda, but the fact that you can't rescue Zelda in the mod disappointed me.

LoL Cosplay

LoL Cosplay

In a recent article, ( LoL players took their passion to the next level.  In a form of cosplay, LoL addicts showed their appreciation to their favorite players.
                                                                  Playboy Bunny Riven
                                                                            Sensai Yi

As a LoL addict myself, for Halloween this year, I dressed up as my favorite LoL skin, Cookie Monster Nunu.

See a resemblance? 

A LoL Character Gets A Sexy New Skin

A LoL Character Gets A Sexy New Skin

So, sexy LoL characters, is that possible?  Very much yes.  In a recent article, (, an artist  sent in a skin of a newer character named Riven that is posed as a playboy bunny.  Riven, a bruiser who wields a broken sword only repaired on her ultimate move, is a very fond character that some see as a little girl.  But in this artist depiction, she is a very well "developed" women.
A babe, right?  Players of LoL love skins like this for their favorite characters.  Maybe for putting it in the faces of their enemy summoners, or for their own pleasure and satisfaction.

Tribunal Helps Prevent LoL Players From Misbehavior

Tribunal Helps Prevent LoL Players From Misbehavior

In a recent article posted on (, League of Legends, a free PVP game that spans to over 15 million players, figured out a way that they can stop the jerks of the internet.  The tribunal is a way of skilled players to review case files and decide if the accused will be "pardoned" or "punished."  Most of the offenses include being AFK too long, vulgar language, and being unskilled.  Tribunal members are the elite LoL players who are ranked and at the highest level of 30.  After about a one minute of review, the tribunal member can decide whether or not the accused will be punished or not.  The reward for tribunal members for doing these case files is free IP.  IP in LoL is used to buy runes and new characters so the tribunal members can only improve their skills.  A comic part of this tribunal process is that being unskilled is not a punishment of LoL.  These unskilled players are just very bad a LoL.  lol.